Private activity
Team game
History of Venice
Ca’ Foscari
Available in Italian
Duration 110 min.
The mysteries of the Doge
We can’t say that Francesco Foscari led a boring life: his 34 years long regency was full of twists and turns and thanks to him, Venice has seen vast expansions and prosperity! Nevertheless, someone was plotting behind his back and hoping for his defeat… During this team game, the participants will re-experience the known and the unknown of his story, they will face several challenges and explore the inside and the outside of Ca’ Foscari in an exciting and exclusive way! Teamwork is the key to end the game…challenge the enemies at the final battle!
Languages (upon request): Italian and English
Designed for: adult groups (minimum 4)
Duration: 110 min
Price: Estimation on request. Proposal including: operators, materials, entrances in the monuments, final prize.
Meeting point: Cà Foscari Palace (google maps)
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