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Tourist Games Visiting Venice, Italy
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MacacoAdventures was born from an idea shared by two art history specialists: Martina Trombini and Sara Breviglieri. Together with a team of professionals with different backgrounds ranging from theatre to archaeology, from dance to history, we created team games and cultural, educational, and recreational activities. All of the games aim to reinforce team spirit, develop cooperation within groups, enhance observational and analytical skills, and a bit of healthy competition – of course, never forgetting about the importance of culture and of having fun! MacacoAdventures also works together with local institutions aiming at the promotion of the cultural heritage (Comune di Venezia, Ca’ Foscari University, Fondazione Musei Civici MUVE, Querini Stampalia Foundation,  Giancarlo Ligabue Foundation, Fondazione Prada, FAI – Negozio Olivetti etc.). Among our customers we include: GAM Investments, 3M, Fondazione Ca’ Foscari, Roland, Amer Sports, Avis, Odlo.

Martina Trombini

Martina Trombini graduated in Contemporary Art History, in Bologna. She was part of many educational projects. In 2012 she worked in the educational office at Querini Stampalia’s Foundation, in Venice. Here she dealt with the children leisure centre Casa Macchietta and with the editing of the “Guida al Museo per bambini” (guide to the museum for childrens). Later on, she worked as educational tutor, designing and realizing educational workshops for children aged 3 to 13 at the Cano Cred Summer Camp, in Mantua. She also collaborated with the Venice Biennal, working at the “Carnevale dei ragazzi” (children’s carnival). She designed and led some guided tour and workshops at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice for all kind of students, for the FAI, for people with mental and physical disabilities, for teachers.

Sara Breviglieri

After she graduated in History of Art and Conservation of Artistic Heritage, at Ca’ Foscari University in Venice, Sara Breviglieri attended a course in didactic at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection. She collaborated with many arts events. She worked for archeological camps  for kids and guided tours at the Island of Lazzaretto Nuovo and for the recycling workshop for children held during the Venice Design Week organized by the Voglia d’Arte Association. She worked from 2011 to 2013 for the Cultural Events Office at Querini Stampalia Foundation where she was dealing with the organization of many events. She worked for the realization of Casa Macchietta.