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The Murder Mystery: Adults Group Game In Venice, Italy
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Private activity

Team game

History of Venice

Querini Stampalia Foundation

Available in Italian, English, French, Spanish, German

Duration 150 min.

Team game: “Cold Case” of Venice

A thrilling murder mystery that will bring you to Venice in the XVII century, and will guide you through the history and the rooms of the Querini Stampalia Foundation.
Adelaide, an enterprising researcher, is investigating a “cold case” about Francesco Querini, but the hints are many and so are the suspects… she needs your help! This is why she needs to get involved with a special team of experts to help her.
Participants will need all of their intuition and exceptional observational, listening, deductive, and logical skills to avoid insidious traps and wrong paths, meet living evidence and find out who is the murderer. Teamwork will be fundamental to succeed as real detectives… “Elementary, my dear Watson!”
Languages (upon request):  Italian, English, French, Spanish, German.
Designed for: adult groups (minimum 10, maximum 60)
Duration: 120 minutes
The price includes: operators, materials, entrances to the monuments, final prize and two breaks in the traditional bacaro
For bigger groups please ask for a quote.
Meeting point: Querini Stampalia Foundation